From Our Clients

Hi Pat and Carl,
I bought a puppy from you in Dec (Jesse and Cosmo litter) and I want to thank you so much for such a wonderful dog. Lolli is the perfect pet for me. She is sooo affectionate and could cuddle all day. She loves everything (except getting her hair cut, but we are working on that ) and everyone. Besides, me her best friend is a boxer. She loves other dogs and is great with children. When I went on vacation she stayed a few days with my daughter, then a few days with my son.
She adjusted wonderfully and they all enjoyed having her. My daughter made a comment that she is a great companion - and of course I agree.
She is 13.5 lbs (just weighed her yesterday) and very healthy. When I first got her she was a little under 5 lbs and I thought she would be tiny, but she is built strong. She loves her food and treats. I just can't say enough about her. She is just the happiest little puppy with tons of personality and makes me laugh. I've attached pics. She was just groomed and I think she looks more like Cosmo.
Thanks again,
Mary M

Stacey E. |
Mon, Sep 11, 2023, 6:36?PM
Hi Carl & Patricia! Just a friendly update of our boy, Walter. He turned 10 in June! And is very well loved. |
Great pictures! He is a big guy. Do you know who his parents were? Love these updates. Patrici
He is so loved. He’s one of my best friends. And my daughter ADORES him.

Just wanted to send you an updated photo of our dogs. Hazel, on the right is 3-1/2 years old and the one on the left is our new puppy Violet. Violet, at 7 months, has just eclipsed her big sister in height. I'm not sure if you remember, but Violet was the ninth, and tiniest dog in Peanut's summer litter. Hazel is about 11 pounds, and we think Violet might top off around 13 pounds when she hits adulthood. They both are terrific dogs who are loved by everyone who meets them. I have recommended your kennel to anyone who is looking for a dog. Thanks so much for providing such wonderful dogs.
The Erickson Family

Hi Patricia!
I am Rachel (Landers) Orsillo and I adopted my dog from you back in August of 2021! But today is Elvira’s 3rd birthday so I thought I would give you some photos of her! She was from Willa and Murphy’s litter from 2021!
Elvie is such a well behaved dog and is so so smart! She is great with kids and other dogs! My mom Debbie Landers adopted her half brother from you back in 2022 so I have a lot of pictures of them together as well! They see each other at least once a week and love to play together, but Elvie is the boss! Thank you again for giving us this precious member of our family we love her so much!
Elvie and Bruno
Me and Elvie with My mom Debbie and Bruno!

Good Morning Patricia,
I am sorry it took so long to get back to you but it has been a little crazy around here.. Phoebe is doing just fine she paid a visit to the vet (or i should say we paid lol) and they took a blood test and fecal exam and all was good, they told me to feed her boiled chicken and white rice for a couple of days and she really enjoyed that!! She is really enjoying her summer and just loves the boat….she also loves snuggling with her big sister!! I am going to send you a couple of Pics

Hi Patricia,
We were recommending you to a friend who wants a Schnauzer and we realized you might not get to see your puppies years down the line. We got Dixie from you ten years ago this past Thanksgiving. She's doing great. She's a healthy, happy, spoiled diva. Last year we moved from one house in Braintree to another, and she handled the transition wonderfully. Glad you're still in business and hope all is well with all of your four legged kids.
Christine and David and Dixie

Heewon L. |
Wed, Sep 20, 2023, 9:59?PM
to m |
Hi, Patricia; I am excited to have another salt and pepper pup. My black and silver pup I got last year is doing really well. She is sweet and calm; but also she can be playful and energetic. She is quick at learning tricks and finally house-broken indoors. When we walk on the street, she gets all the attention with 'cute and adorable' chanting from people. Thank you very much for proving me with a healthy pup.

I have been meaning to send you a photo of Lucy for sometime. We bought her from you last December
She is the most easy-going, playful, affectionate and obedient dog that I've ever owned. Thank you so much for picking out a great dog for us. I hope everything is going well with you and your family. I am sure we will meet again.
Sincerely, Lynn and Bill

Hi Carl &Pat:
Thought you’d enjoy seeing this photo from today of Fiona. She appears to love the snow, leaping and bounding through it at our nearby dog park. She was in the company of three Newfoundland retrievers and had a great time chasing them around in the snow. She’s made a wonderful adjustment and everyone is drawn to her. She’s incredibly friendly and so very sweet. A perfect fit for me.

Hi Carl & Patricia
Just wanted to write a quick email to let you know that the puppy is doing well! I've named him Ryder. He went to the vet the Monday after I picked him up (on Friday) and the vet said he was doing really well. He has one little funny feature, his second and third toes on each paw don't split at the back of the pad. There is no problem, it's just interesting! He went to the vet July 2nd for some shots and he already weighs 7lbs2oz at his 12.5week mark!
I've attached a couple of pictures. Thanks so much again for the puppy! If I ever need another schnauzer, I'll be sure to see if you're still in the business!
Hope all of the wedding plans are going well!
Thanks, Jessica

Happy Holidays Patricia & Carl!
Attached is the picture my daughter took of Olivia in her Christmas sweater that we used for this year’s Christmas card. We thought you would enjoy seeing how Olivia has grown (she is 15 weeks old in this picture). Olivia is from Rocksann and Dutch’s litter, born this past August. What a wonderful puppy she is! House training is going well, a few accidents here and there but those are happening less and less all the time. Olivia graduated from Puppy Kindergarten and the Basic Manners class at our local kennel, and we plan to start her next step in training in January. She is a very smart little girl. We’re now working on walking “politely” as the they refer to it at her kennel, which will take a little time, but she’s doing very well for a four month old puppy. She loves everyone and adapts very well to different situations – and everyone just loves Olivia. She tends to have a bit of separation anxiety at times, but we’re working on that as well. Our family has been blessed with the sweetest little dog and we love her so. We can’t thank you enough! :o)
Take care,
Peter and Liz

Just wanted to drop you a note about how wonderful our little girl Abby is... A lot of this has to do with you, the breeder.
The vet has also fallen in love with her.... She is now 11 pounds at 41/2 months old.... We are feeding her 3 times a day, and wondering when we should cut back to twice a day?
Enclosed are a couple of photos..... I bring Abby to work with me during the week and everyone wants to know where I found such a healthy, happy little dog. Kudos to you and your husband
All the best,
Bob P.

Hi Pat,
Baxter is now 6 months old and doing well! He has completed both basic and intermediate obedience training and did well in the classes. He was neutered on Friday and is already back to his active self! I am very happy with him and get many compliments on his handsome looks, great temperament and intelligence. I have inserted a recent picture of him into the email.
I hope all is well with you!! Take care, Vicki?
Hello Carl & Pat,
I hope you had a great holiday.
Sadie is doing great, she is a great addtion to the family and we enjoy her immensely. It seems like she views our daughters and their boyfriends as her "litter mates" because she is always playing with them when she gets the chance. She really knocks herself out with my younger daughter's boyfriend, as he gets on the floor with her and acts like a puppy himself. By the time he leaves after a visit, Sadie is usually wiped out and once in her bed, won't get out until the morning.
Hanging bells on the doorknob was the best thing we could have done, as she always lets evertyone know when she needs to go out, and there haven't been any accidents for months.
She loves to get into things, and she loves to chew -- luckily that task is focused on her toys and not on woodwork or furniture.
She is always playful, but when she is tired she wants to cuddle, preferably with Lori, but she will take whoever is available.
John C.
Hi Carl: Just an update on "Jacoby."
He is really something Pat. Within 24 hours, he was so at home you would think he had been here for years. He has no fear whatsoever, very outgoing and social even with friends who come to the house that he has never met. I can't believe how he has adapted in less than a week. His favorite activity is to sit on the vacuum while I clean the house - I thought the noise would scare him but nothing does. He learned to take the stairs in less than 1/2 hour.
The first day, he was so amazed with being outdoors that he could do nothing but explore. But after 4 days, he is readily associating our backyard ventures with his potty visits. I am amazed that he has not had an accident in 2 days. I know he will regress a little as he progresses and it's an up and down thing, but I am blown away with the progress he is making in this department.
Thanks again for all your help. We were all very impressed with your kennel and all the dogs.?
Janet L.
Hi Carl & Pat,
I just wanted to send you a quick update on Wayne Rooney. He is just the best little guy I could have asked for. Its been a little over a year and a half since I picked him up, and he just has the best personality one could ask for. Everyone is his friend and I can't walk down the street without someone commenting on how cute/well behaved he is.
He is such a quick learner and was completely potty trained within a week. He knows how to sit, lay down, give high five, roll over and stay (although stay is often difficult for him when there are other dogs/balls/toys around outside).
I can't thank you enough for being so patient with me in selecting my puppy and for giving me such a wonderful little dog.
Hi Carl & Pat,
I wanted to send you an email/pic of Fenway, who was 2 in May. She is a sweet girl, loves to snuggle, and follows me everywhere. She's on the small side - just over 11 pounds (but hey, she wears it well!) I have directed several friends to your website as I really felt as though the dogs at your home were very much loved and well cared for while they waited to go to their new families.
Thank you again!
Andrea L
Hello Patricia & Carl,
I am so VERY happy to report that our little Braxton is doing fantastic! He has been such a blessing, we just couldn't even imagine not having him in our lives. Everyone that that has had a chance to meet our special guy can't say enough good things about him, including his sweet temperment:) Brax enjoys giving anyone he comes in contact with big kisses & always goes in for a hug:)
Puppy class seemed to be a breeze for him, and he has learned quite a few fun tricks aswell. He has fits right in with our 2 cats, and enjoys playing chase around the house with them.
Again I want to thank you so very much for giving us such a good little lover boy!
~Amy & Arty?
Patricia, Hi, Steve G. here with an update on our delightful pup, Taffy Cuddlepants. She is just absolutely amazing, we love her. She has been virtually house trained from the day she arrived. The very few mistakes have had more to do with us not paying attention then with Taffy. We have been doing just fun play training with her (which she loves), but she will come on command, sit, down, go from a down to sit and give paw with each side. She will also “dance” for treats and sit up and beg. We also have a soft fabric Frisbee which she loves to chase and will also return it.
She is extremely sweet tempered and absolutely fearless. She is, however, quite independent. The thing she hates the most is if I pick her up during a walk. If I see some broken glass on the ground or an unleashed loose dog I will pick her up at which point she informs me in no uncertain terms that she is a big girl and does not need to be carried. I always make it a habit to not put her down until she calms down and accepts being held as I do not want her to think that squirming or complaining vocally will rule my actions. She is eating just dry food and is down to being fed twice a day now. She is strong and healthy and full of life.
She is without a doubt the most amazing and beautiful dog that we have ever owned, and we have had a few. Every day my wife and I both just marvel at how wonderful she is. What a joy.
Thank you so much for this little treasure. Sincerely, Steven G., Burlington, MA
Dewey is doing fine. he is a bit small but is a calm and good dispositioned dog. we had 7 kids over yesterday and he was the center of attention. no barking or acting aggressive or nervous. getting the knack of toilet training already.
One very nice compliment for you was from our vet. she looked Dewey over last week the day after we were in Greenfield. she looked at his ears (clean), nails (clipped), coat (tended to and brushed) and said, "he came from a very good breeder". and after the visit when Dewey had finished, she said he had a fine disposition and had obviously been raised with good human contact. Dewey was not spooked by being held by other persons. a sign that he was not just left in his cage, dirty and unloved by people. our salute to u. photos to follow.
xoxo Fred
First of all I want to say "Thank You" for giving my wife and I the opportunity to be the proud owners of a "Great" little dog.
We (Us and Pepper) have had a terrific first week.
He has exceeded our expectations!!!!
He is sleeping through the night, eating well and his "potty" training is going extremely well.
His first Vet visit was yesterday and he was a big hit at the Vet's office.
Everyone (staff and customers) thought he was adorable and cute.
The vet fell in love with Pepper.
We will send pictures in a week or two.
Thanks again
Carl & Patricia,
Just wanted to let you know how thankful I am to have found a Red Rock puppy. Tashi was completely housebroken and put to the 9 hour test when she was only five months old. Has passed with flying colors. Actually I was home with her for 3 months and she only had a couple of accidents from her first day home. I guess you could say those were our mistakes. I have had her groomed three times and she has held on to her dark liver pepper color. To my untrained eyes she looks like a liver to me with that beautiful reddish brown color. She loves kids and all the little ones think she is a living teddy bear. This Thanksgiving I am very thankful for Red Rock Kennel and Tashi.
Debbie C. and Tashi of Maine
Hi Pat,
Phoebe, from Angels litter that came home Memorial Day, is doing great. She is house broken for the most part and has been for a while now. Still expecting accidents occasionally but last one was about 3 weeks ago, and that was her first in a month, so here is hoping!! Last time at the vet (last Monday) she weighed 10.4 lbs and is a healthy girl. She is an absolute sweetheart who loves to snuggle and give little kisses on the nose. She is doing well with training, she will sit, stay, leave it, lay down and shake paw. With that said she is also very dopey, my husband and I say she is like that really smart girl at school who you would never guess that cuz when you meet her she is the biggest ditz you ever met. She is getting along great with her sister Tessie and has been great company for her. We are very happy with her. I hope you enjoy the pictures.
Stacia C.

Maria F. | Mon, Apr 8, 7:53?PM
| ||
to me
Hello, I just wanted to tell you how much we love Flash(Phoebe)!! She is so special, she is so happy and loving 24 hours a day. She has fit in so well with us. We feel so lucky to have her. Thank you!! I was trying to get a good pic of her, but she is always moving. Maria

Marion |
Sat, May 25, 8:06?PM
to me
Hello Patricia
Here is a photo our our cute black & silver female, Lucy who was born today at your kennel. We took her home July 20, 2023 @ 3.5 lbs. Today she weighs 15 lbs.
he is a firecracker! She is very energetic -- usually 3 walks a day -- and a lot of play time and jumping around.
From the first day we brought her home, she sleeps every night in her kennel quietly. She does not like to be alone and has a very loud voice. She's a great addition to our retirement years.
We love her dearly and many comment on how beautiful she is -- thanks to your high quality breeding
Thank you and the best to you in Carl in the future.
Bill and Marion B.
Carver, MA

Linda L. |
Mon, Feb 26, 4:34?PM
to me
Hi, just wanted to let you know that Max is settling in well. He had his vet appointment today and passed with flying colors, not that we had any doubt. Our veteraian said
your records were the best she has seen from a breeder. We are looking forward to our next puppy. Hope you are getting some relief from your arthritis. Linda

2nd birthday!
Molly R. |
Thu, Apr 11, 6:24?AM
Molly R. |
Beth B. |
Fri, Mar 8, 8:38?PM
to me
We are so in love with our girl! We decided on the name Maisie and she is absolutely perfect. She ate a full meal tonight, has snuggled, napped and peed and pooped outside. Couldn’t have asked for a better first day.
Thank you for taking such wonderful care of her and nursing her to health. We are so grateful.
Have a wonderful night,
Beth & family

Laurie S. |
Sat, Feb 24, 8:29?AM
to redrockkennel
Hello Carl & Patricia,
Just wanted to let you know how in love we are with Brandi, she is full of love, kisses, & bites, & adventures .she has been to the vet twice already for her shots ,being we only do one shot at a time, our other dogs love her already and she keeps them on their toes,they all act like puppies now.she has been to the groomer already once,she’s learning how to walk with the leash and we are beginning to teach her the electric fence.she has stolen our hearts.
We are so happy we called you that Sunday afternoon after we were so lied to and almost scammed,you are amazing breeders and wonderful people and we are so glad to have meet you guys.

Scout the boat dog

Damian G. |
Sun, Feb 18, 8:33?PM
Hi again, This little fellow provides so much joy to our family!! Thanks again Damian n Kim |

Scout the boat dog again
Damian G. | Sun, Feb 18, 8:31?PM
| |
Hi guys! Remember me! I am happy at my home of over 4 years! |

Ash and Honey
Aaron M. |
Sun, Jan 14, 8:00?PM
to me
Happy New Year! From Ash and Honey!!!

Thank you and puppy update
Quinn S. |
Thu, Jan 4, 10:24?AM
to me
Hi Patricia - Just wanted to say thank you and update you that the sweet puppy we picked up from you this summer has grown into a very adorable and beautiful girl! Her liver pepper coloring is so unique, and her eyes have gold, brown, and green! She's a big snuggler and very smart! We love her. Quinn & Mike

Happy Holidays from Maggie and family
Sharon T. |
Sat, Dec 9, 2023, 3:21?PM
to me
Hi Patricia,
Hope all is well. It's been 2 years since we brought Maggie home with us. She is so precious to us and I am glad to report that she is doing extremely well. We wanted to share an update.
Maggie is extremely smart. She finished her obedience training with flying colors and loves playing with her dog friends in our neighborhood. She is all ready for Christmas as you can see.
Thank you again for Maggie. We love her to pieces.
Best regards and happy holidays.
Sharon, Dave and Maggie

Merry Christmas
R., Sara |
Sat, Dec 2, 2023, 11:16?AM
We took the girls to meet Santa today. Merry Christmas |
Cooper's one year update!
Gary L. |
Sun, Nov 26, 2023, 8:17?AM
to me
Hello Pat & Carl,
I hope this email finds you well. Hope your Thanksgiving was a good one.
Hard to believe one year has passed since I visited and brought Cooper home.
He is such wonderful dog! Took some video yesterday I thought you might enjoy.
Thank you so much! My best to you for the Holiday Season and always.
Gary L.

Happy ratters
Molly R. |
Sat, Oct 21, 2023, 1:44?PM
to me
Arizona got to try a happy ratters trial today and placed overall second against a bunch of other pups today! She loves to use that nose of hers. She had the best day finding rats in tubes. We can’t wait to try it again! She’s the best dog ever and loves everything new we try. She such a versatile pup!! I’m forever thankful you let me have her, she’s a perfect match and my best friend!!

Kailee at Six years old
Gail R, H. |
Fri, Oct 13, 2023, 5:21?PM
to me